


Broad spectrum, contact and systemic mixture fungicide, with preventive and curative action. Effective against many diseases complexes on large number of crops, as seed treatment, nursery/soil drenching, fruit/ rhizomel tuber dip and foliar sprays. Provides Manganese and Zinc nutrition to crops, there by keeps plant greener and healthy Stimulates plant growth, vigour, enhance flowering and ultimately increase yield. In fruit crop better results obtained if sprayed at bud emergence stage. Multisite activity prevent in developing resistance. Very less waiting period, may be used upto day of harvest environmentally safe degrades rapidly in soil & also safe for beneficial insects. Imparts excellent fruit finish to apple and other fruit crops, thus increase the market value of the produce.

Mode of Action: Systemic & Contact fungicide

Compatibility: It is compatible with commonly used pesticides. It is not compatible with lime sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions. It is advisable to conduct a physical compatibility test before use in combination with other molecules.

Phytotoxicity: Phytotoxicity has not been reported, when used as recommended.

Crop Insect Doses
Blast, Sheath blight
300 gm/acre
Leaf spot & rust
200 gm/acre
Blight, Powdery & Downy mildew
300 gm/acre

AvailabilityCARMANCO is available in 100gm,250gm, 500gm, and 1 Kg. pack.

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