


  • Being broad spectrum it affords control over all sucking, biting, chewing pests.
  • It exhibits rapid action.
  • It has greater effectiveness against all Lepidopterean pests.
  • Due to higher persistance value it remains effective for longer durations.
  • More resistant to washing o ffdue to rain water.
  • Relatively cost effective.
  • Less waiting period between last spray and harvest.

Category: Organophosphate group of insecticide.

Mode of Action: Champion 505 exhibits a stomach, contact activity.

Compatibility: Champion 505 is compatible with all existing plant protection chemicals presently available in the market.

Phytotoxicity: It is not phytotoxic on any crops if used at recommended doses.

Crop Target Pest/Diseases Doses per Acre
Pink Boll Worm, American Boll Worm
300-500ml/acre (3-5ml/ltr)
Stem borer.
150-200ml/acre (1.5-2ml/ltr)

AvailabilityChampion-505 is available in 100m1,250ml,,500ml, & 1 ltr pack.

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